Clarity Gently Leads to Wisdom

Welcome to the art/life trail ride and the New ‘Wisdom’ Moon!

We need something bigger than we are to be awed by and to commit ourselves to.

Without the transcendent and the transpersonal we get sick,
or else hopeless and apathetic.

Abraham Maslow

It’s the New Natural Year and we are enlisting creative energy tools heading out together on an exciting adventure! 

We are back in the saddle after our six (October – March) moon/months of exploring the depth of our roots and allowing space for replenishment. There’s creative stress at the start of a new trail. That’s okay…it’s actually good even…to a point… as creative stress keeps us alert and watchful. Our inner wisdom reminds us that we can’t see where we’re going and we can’t know what’s up ahead…that’s the very nature of creative…as opposed to negative…stress.

 We’re beginning a journey and it’s wise to pause long enough to ask,

‘Where do I want to be going?’

Here on the trail we navigate using cycles and seasons and the power of the focus that comes by assigning a keyword to each moon/month. We use each keyword as both a challenge and a gift. Each moon/month builds on the one before. The Clarity that we practice in April opens to the Wisdom that we will discern throughout May leading to a radiant brilliant aliveness in June. The potential expands as we travel.

All the while we travel we keep our North Star, our Destiny Point, in mind. 

This moon/month challenge engages our keyword


I find this to be a tricky segment of the circle…it’s not easy to rise above thinking and rationalizing to sense into the experience of life that has brought what cannot be taught. Your opportunity this moon/month is to discover and uncover what wisdom means for you…now. Today. 

Each and every Natural Year provides yet another turn on the spiral of the art/life and lifts us to our next plateau. Every Natural Year gives us the time and the space to engage the power of the Ancestors and the elements as a way to ground and root more deeply. That brings wisdom.


I offer encouragement to be fresh in outlook, to imagine what’s possible as this Natural Year moves us through spring and summer. These are the blossoming moon/months.

Our seeds have been planted over the past two months…we’ve been dreaming the dream and pressing our seed vision into the creative ground of our being.

Now we’re being even more conscious of what we would like to have come of this time ahead…we’re visualizing and imagining what’s possible.

It’s useful and it does no harm to set our sites on the best vision for what’s possible.

What do you yearn to create?

When you review what has come into your heart in the past six months what does it point toward?

In walking the Natural Calendar we allow 90 day chunks of time between equinox and solstice to provide four manageable 12 week periods that span 12 moon/months. Twelve slices of Natural Time. Yum.

We move inward during fall and winter to find our authentic feminine/ receptive power.  During spring and summer we move into the action required to experience, express, create and contribute our healthiest masculine/manifestation. Naturally these qualities blend and are never isolated, yet as creative tools it’s powerful to give them each plenty of space and time by considering these seasonal spans as fertile ground for focus.


   Circle Gathering at Cuyahoga Valley National Park

This first three moon/month section (April, May and June) is led by the idea of reclaiming a sense of feminine/masculine balance.

 Journal page, Drozda, 1994

Throughout this 90 days let your clarion call express the idea to BE*ME. By investing the first 90 days of the path to this celebration an integration of the inner masculine and feminine takes place. The active (masculine) and the receptive (feminine) marry and by summer solstice there is a trajectory of increased growth. Experiment with this. Observe the ways that balance manifests for you.

It’s quite exciting to begin a conscious relationship with Natural Time. This approach opens up The ME; that deeply balanced alchemical, archtypal awareness of both polarity and congruence.

2017 begins a new Creative Decade for us globally. Read the 2017 Lifecycle be reminded of the power and potential of the art of the start.


Hop back into your saddle, breathe in the fresh new air…move forward!

I’m so glad that we’re here together…on the art/life trail ride.

2 thoughts on “Clarity Gently Leads to Wisdom

  1. well, my dear DID…I always regard your initials as a positive just as I hold on to my HW (Hinnant-Will.)

    And I have. followed the path, continued the journey.

    Clarity is even more apparent as I age. Although I refuse the designation of Crone…which really doesn’t resonate in contemporary life, despite the earlier positve literature. I am ageless while I gain experience. The crone historically is old and knowledgeable. I am here and knowledgeable..

    My painting is becoming a complex incorporating a friend’s photography and my own response to our Virginia Beach destruction of the past.

    The net you throw out to your friends has provided something unparalleled in my life cycle. I am benefitting from it in ways I actually expected throughout my journey but didn’t expect to encounter here in my home town of Virginia Beach.

    My dear, hold me in your heart as I hold you in mine.

    Ellis hw

    • Iona Drozda

      Hi Ellis…I am a bit late in my response yet here on the art/life trail we recognize that we are at all times ‘on time’…in the slow flow of the relaxed pace rather than the edginess of the rat race 😉
      I appreciate your visit and your reflection…I particularly embrace your words:
      “The net you throw out to your friends has provided something unparalleled in my life cycle.” That, for me, is yummy as I keep in mind how powerful it is to contain our creative energy including the awareness of when it’s time to ‘mend the nets’.
      On we go !!

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