Breath of the Blind Sea Turtle

Remembering that 2023 is our global Vision Quest year I remind us of the inquiries made in the previous blog post : Consider your inner strength. Consider the simple things that sustain you. Consider the brilliance of your current fondest dream. And Breathe.   Breathe as if your life...

Renew You

Each February provides us with a cycle of Renewal … this post is from the  archives: At the Well, Drozda, Acrylic/canvas, 48 x 48″  “When the Mother seats herself in the heart then everything, be it stained or stainless, becomes but an ornament for Her lotus feet. She lives...

The Journey Continues …

It is my conviction that slight changes in imagination have more impact on living than major efforts at change. Thomas Moore   Please note that the first listing at the top of the right sidebar contains the 2021 Creative Energy Report MP3 file. I invite you to listen today....

Living Life in Widening Circles

Looking at the Natural Calendar, November has us traveling inward. We are continuing the six-month process of sinking deep into our roots. The first 90 days (stretching from fall equinox to winter solstice) can be used for mind-training. In as little as15 quiet minutes a day, it becomes possible...

The Zig and the Zag

I’m mapping a year of recovery from a traumatic injury. I address my fear as well as the creative opportunities that made themselves known as healing unfolds. I didn’t know the levels and layers that my 70-year-self would need to attend to. I share this healing experience with the...

Failure in My Bones

I was telling myself to calm down. I was paying attention to the way that I talk to myself. I could tell this experience was different. I’m sharing a personal story of recovery. This is what occurred as a result of my earthquake experience. I acknowledge and respect the...

Pay Attention Please

Creek bed at Blue Bird Gulch Tree Farm, Drozda Welcome to my first blog post in a year! After a sudden injury on December 6, 2018, I required all of my attention to focus on and devote my time to healing. It was early on that Thursday morning, which...

Great Inner Strength

~ Welcome to the art/life trail ~ During this moon/month we’ve been taking inventory of the true nature of our strength. To keep our focus contained we assess the Strength that has been forged within the first three quarters of this Natural Year. Travel back to March 2017. Review...