Renew You

Each February provides us with a cycle of Renewal … this post is from the  archives:

At the Well, Drozda, Acrylic/canvas, 48 x 48″

 “When the Mother seats herself in the heart then everything,
be it stained or stainless,
becomes but an ornament for Her lotus feet.
She lives in the bodies of all living creatures wherein
She is present in the form of energy
There is no place where She is not.

S’akti and S’akta
Sir John Woodroffe

Feb. 2 marked the cross-quarter, midpoint between the winter solstice and spring equinox. Celebrate your attitude. Celebrate your willingness to allow renewal. Celebrate the energy boost that results. Enjoy the journey … challenges and all.

There is much happening even as we are offered the opportunity to sink deep and replenish prior to the return to the topside world at the spring equinox. In a traditional cross-quarter ceremony called Candlemas, we pause to honor our feminine ancestors. We wear white, bringing white flowers to the table aglow with white candles. We gaze into a hand mirror and sense into the ancestral connection that brought us to this place and time. 

February Seed Idea: Renewal: this moon/month is guided by the concept of renunciation and regeneration. Garbage in, garbage out. Composting the crud is advisable, whether the crud be thoughtforms or habit patterns. This month is for digging under the surface and turning over the soil that is ready to be sifted and prepared to accept the seed vision … preparing the earth for planting our seeds … by hand. 

The number of women who are now approaching the fully conscious state already exceeds that of men and will be growing even faster in the years to come. Men may catch up with them in the end, but for some considerable time, there will be a gap between the consciousness of men and that of women.

Women are regaining the function that is their birthright: to be a bridge between the manifested world and the Unmanifested, between physicality and spirit. Your main task as a woman now is to transmute the pain-body so that it no longer comes between you and your true self, the essence of who you are.”
Eckhart Tolle

Two poems from my book Twenty Two Prayer Poems for Care Givers, written while I was a hospice volunteer, support the inner journey of Renewal a natural theme for this month…

Family Tree, Drozda (c), Acrylic/board, 36 x 24″

Dying to Be Born

I am not a body, I am free, for I am still as God created me.

Dearest Old Friend,

I wonder why the idea of the death of this body
Frightens me. I feel so uncomfortable
With myself when I consider how I will take leave.

Naturally, the body breaks down
And eventually, i
t is no more.
Naturally, we cannot retain a physical existence forever.
Naturally, everything is dying from the moment it is born.

And yet I live in this fantasy realm where I deny
Cause and effect, where I act as if I will never ‘run out’.
Today I ask to look at my world as though it is
The last day.
Today I am willing to open my heart-mind
To my own passing.

As I walk about and come into contact with others today
I ask to welcome each exchange as though it was a
Simultaneous first and last ever visit.

Naturally, I require assistance to face death of any kind.
Today I am willing to invest my attention in noticing
The fragile nature of us all in the physical world.

As I open to receive this awareness
I expand my heart to touch those who suffer
Loss and feel unspeakable anguish.

Help me to be free of my body thoughts today
Make me available to meet those
That You place on the path before me.
Give me a soft soft soft as a baby heart.
I pray today for whatever You send me
I ask to learn today of the beauty of being free.
Free free free of attachment to the physical.

House Boat/Spirit House, Drozda (C), Acrylic/panel, 2003


It takes great learning to realize that everything is helpful.

Dear One,

Perhaps You can feel my raw state today.
I am asking that I be released.
I do not know the thing I am.
I don’t know where I am.
I don’t know how to look upon the world.
I don’t know how to look upon myself.

I can feel such a deeply rooted fear of living and dying.
I feel squirmy and unbalanced.
I feel uncomfortable and confused.
I need help.

I am able to remember that You have taught me

That You will live with me
And You will teach with me if I will think with You.
Today I am on my knees. I am surrendering all that I am.
I am surrendering all that I have to You.

I am willing to lean into Your loving and gentle arms.

Teach me to heal.
Teach me to be whole.
Direct me today.
Let me know where You would have me go,
let me know what You would have me say
And to whom.

I am aware that this raw state is also a place
Where I can find You and where I can

Trust that You will guide me safely through.

As I make this rite of passage today
I dedicate each Holy Instant to You.



I have a particular love of February. The 15th is my birthday and mom often celebrated me with a heart-shaped cake. This year, 2021, I celebrate 26,280 days (plus Leap years) living and planting on the Earth Mother. I feel deeply honored to be here at this time in our unfolding.

Say Amen somebody.

                                                                                             Hail, Drozda (C), Acrylic/canvas, 24 x 36″, 2005

7 thoughts on “Renew You

  1. Lynn

    Thank you for these beautiful and deep prayers. I will keep them close.

    • Iona Drozda

      Thank you, Lynn,
      ~ as do I. I am amazed that these twenty-two prayers came to meet me ‘from out of nowhere’
      while I was a hospice respite-care giver. I am forever grateful.

      Thank you.

  2. Donna

    Amen, Amen, Amen
    Happy Birthday Donna D

    • Iona Drozda

      Thank you
      Thank you
      Thank you

  3. Marianne Stanley

    Not only “amen” but also THANK YOU for always sharing yourself so wonderfully with us from your fears and traumas to your celebrations, insights, and victories. I am wishing you an early “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” and adding another layer of love to your mother’s heart-shaped birthday cake, her celebration of you. You are always my teacher, my guide, my fellow artist, my friend…..and I wish for your special day, an outpouring of love and appreciation from those who are lucky enough to know you in this lifetime!

    • Iona Drozda

      Hi Marianne ~ It feels good to read your words and I offer them to every one of us. Let’s all add another layer of love anywhere and in any way that we can.

      • Marianne

        Absolutely,!! And from somewhere in Northern Mexico, a glorious Happy Birthday to you today!!!

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