Create Clarity

Welcome to the art/life trail ride! Throughout April we are on the first step through the East Gate and the keyword for this 30 day challenge is Clarity. 

Ask yourself:

Where would I benefit from having increased Clairty in my art/life?

At the East Gate starting point for the Natural Year we have options. We can look out to the path ahead and consciously choose the direction we want.

Consider this idea…symbolically the sun/solar/masculine represents brilliant light and action. Sun equals daytime. Daytime is when we get things done. During the day we’re naturally action oriented. All day long we lean into a ‘gotta get there’ linear momentum or thrust.

Consider this idea…symbolically the moon/lunar/feminine represents quieting and stillness. Moon equals rest. During the night we are naturally oriented to replenishing. Night is a reflective, mysterious intuitive and organic rejuvenation period.

Combined these sun/moon dual natures allow us to alchemically and creatively evolve. We become proficient at shape-shifting. We become the Alchemist turning burdens that feel like heavy lead into the brilliant light of gold..the treasure that accrues as we practice and recognize the middle way of balance increases Natural Year upon Natural Year.


During the spring and summer we place our primary attention on sun/light/masculine thrust action. Things heat up and a lot happens! As we move through the six moon/months making up spring and summer it’s helpful to also access patience and acceptance.

No race

Keep a balanced pace

Not too hot/not to cold…just right

Starting out the Natural Year with this ‘middle way’ awareness is brilliant in more ways than one. Being at the beginning of a Creative Decade may seem daunting…too much.

Let’s notice the natural ‘chunk down’ of time into a 90 day/12 week workable piece.

Then let’s cast our gaze out into a longer 6 moon/month/180 day length and place a milestone marker there. Lastly let’s circle round to the one year point.

With this approach we spiral through time organically. We take a balanced perspective in growing Natural Year by Natural Year. We witness the unfolding of the brilliance, beauty, goodness and wonder that we cannot yet see. We are at the East Gate. Take a deep breath and pause a moment. Consider how this conscious awareness of how to consider natural time is valuable for you. Stop for a moment and get a sense of how it’s helpful…and does no harm…to stand at the East Gate recognizing the natural beginning energy of spring.

Why not begin with a sense of balance? Why not make a commitment and investment in the middle way?

Witness the natural world unfolding around you. There is evidence everywhere that when sun-active/moon-receptive balance occurs creativity flourishes.

Gardens Grow

How about if we take on the Clarity challenge and align with this natural organic blossoming for ourselves?  For the days between now and the summer solstice get active!

Sniff the air

Sense into and feel guided toward your deepest yearning

Right here, right now where would you like to gain Clarity?  


 Gain deep and active Clarity for this moon/month by reading
Facing Grief with Eyes Wide Open by Medea Checkik


This Natural Year is providing us with a fresh start. Collectively we are entering a new Creative Decade. This is exciting stuff! We gather on the trail and align with a deep inner yearning. We take time this moon/month to seek out the fire in the belly. We open to the idea: ‘What shall I create?”

Then we drill a bit deeper and open to recieve Clarity. Next we ask ‘what would be good here?’ and then we journal around the concept of ‘what would love do now?’ Put Love at the beginning and the seed vision will sprout.

Here’s a short video setting the tone:

We are in the first three moon/months of this Natural Year. This 90 day quadrant is themed with the keyword ME. The ME within you is the lunar/feminine urge to lighten the burdens. This ME is geared to work in harmony with the solar/masculine energy so that something healthy and strong grows during this Natural Year.  

I invite you to subscribe to the Wren House YouTube channel where we will be exploring the flourishing quality of seed ideas.

Share a comment here on the part of your art/life where you are willing to bring Clarity.

Print out your set of 8 ‘seed/petals’ …go to the Lifecycle homepage…scroll down the right side bar to ‘Manage Your Time Naturally’. Fill in and click ‘Send My Report’. We’ll use these seed/petals as your Natural Year turns you into a flow*er. 


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