
Welcome to the trail!

Thank you for being here and for your willingness to follow the path of your art/life as it lines up with the monthly focus points on the Natural Calendar…ever an interesting ride!

We have moved through the first two moon/months, Experience and Introspection, of the fall quarter. I hope that you are holding a place for the Strength that this coming cycle brings as you sink deeper within to locate the treasure that Life holds.

'Steppin' In', Drozda, Acrylic/board, 48 x 36", private collection

Steppin’ In, Drozda, Acrylic/board, 48 x 36″, Private collection

This 90 day fall quadrant pertains to issues of Life and how you live. In honor of the opportunities that surround I am beginning a 12 week scenic byway. When we are on the path there is from time to time an overview, a place that allows us to refresh and take a deep breath, gazing out into the distance.

While traveling it helps to stop from time to time to get a long view

In that spirit I will add two of my Prayer Poems for Care Givers each week.

I wrote my book Twenty Two Prayer Poems for Care Givers while a hospice respite volunteer. My first client was Nanny. She was 90 years old, dying of cancer, and living in squalor. In my many hours of sitting with her a deep and unsettling connection developed. Nanny was often delirious. She self mutilated and had fits of paranoia. I had to hold a place of balance and found that there was a tremendous wordless exchange of energy that took place while holding space for her to take leave of this world.  

Returning home after my time with her I would find prayers spilling out onto my journal pages. Visit after visit I wrote my reflections and after Nanny’s death my mentor felt a power in the collection and suggested publishing. I arranged 22 of the poems with titles that connect to the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot. In the prayer/poems references to Beloved and You are my recognition of Higher Self/Inner Guide/Teacher of Peace.

Week by week these prayer/poems can add support as a navigational tool, like signposts, to the daily choice and opportunity we each have before us.

I hold a vision of each one of us learning to mine the treasure deep

Natural Calendar, Drozda, mixed media/canvas _72 x 72 inches, 1991

The Natural Calendar, Drozda, mixed media/canvas,  64 x 64″

Notice when you visit your cave and mingle with your roots that one of the great treasures of Life is taking wise and good care of your true ME, Others as well as to hold in heart/mind Life’s unfolding Mystery.

The current Life quadrant offers just over 12 weeks (the period from fall equinox till winter solstice) to sink deep into the ‘roots of the matter’ gleaning the treasures of Life experience and evolving your contribution.

Former First Lady, Rosalynn Carter presented testimony before congress where she shared this stunning and sobering information:

There are only four kinds of people in the world:

  1. Those who have been caregivers

  2. Those who currently are caregivers

  3. Those who will be caregivers

  4. And those who will need caregivers

When you take into account the rapid change taking place in your world you may agree that it requires tremendous courage to care. Whether you are to give or to receive care you must be willing to step out of your comfort zone.


F-LunaLookin’ UP, Drozda, white ink on black Strathmore, 8 x 10″


I am responsible for what I see


Dear Beloved,

As I go forward into this new day

Surround me with the energy and light of love.

Remind me throughout this day that at any moment

And in any place

I can begin again and give all of my concerns to You.

Wherever I go and whomever I see

Or think of let me radiate to that one

A wave of light and love and abundance

So that they too feel the radiance of Your support

And so that together we form the threads that weave

A fabric of contentment and care for all those that

Come into contact with us.

Thank You in advance.


May you be courageous.


blogpersephonePersephone’s Dream, Drozda, Acrylic/canvas, 64 x64″


Patience is natural to those who trust


Dear Beloved,

I take a deep breath and recall your presence.

You are my whole mind,
You are my integrated mind
You never leave me comfortless.

As I remember today to calm and gentle my breath
I also open my mind to release any cluttering thoughts.
I open my heart to be there for those that You place before me today.
Wherever I go and whomever I see may I think of this one as
My own opportunity to practice patience.
My own problems pale.
I release and let all things be exactly as they are.
I rest as I trust in You.
Guide me today.

Let me know where You would have me go.
Let me know what You would have me do.
Let me know what You would have me say and to whom.

I ask today for the patience to open my heart and mind to the Highest.
I ask my heart and mind to extend only the Highest.
I ask throughout this day
Moment to moment
Let nothing less satisfy my soul.

May you be patient

See you next week on the trail!

4 thoughts on “Vision

  1. Lynn

    Beautiful and expansive, your poems glisten!
    Thank you Donna.

    • Iona Drozda

      Hi Lynn
      Thanks for being on the trail and for your reflection on Vision and Patience…truly appreciate your being here!

  2. Once again…here you are….this book has come to mind often of late as I traverse these blessed days with my parents. God only knows how much time is left, but I give thanks for the Sacred Now. Thank you for blessing the world with love and insight.

    • Iona Drozda

      Dear Kristy…how beauty full to be tapped in and aware of the “sacred now”…I mentioned your parents today as a way of imagining my own little Life boat moving ever closer to the opposite shore…seeing how rich in grace and care their navigational skills have been…and for how wise they have been to raise the daughters that are now ‘all hands on deck’.
      A wonderful modeling of a blessed Life.

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