The Root of the Matter

Welcome to the art/life trail ride.

Who  Knows?
Maybe the Root
Is the Flower
Of that
Other Life

Mary Oliver

We are moving down into the roots of the 90 days of fall. This is the Experience month, when it’s possible to really begin (fresh each year) to mature the creative energies of the art/life. 

I invite you to invest this quarter by cultivating a deepening intimacy with your creative roots. 

bbg-roots-sketchThe Root of the Matter, Drozda, Journal Page, 2016

Turn inward now to meet the season that celebrates Life. This is your natural time for sinking deep into the loam of the womb cave. Now we go within to the Underworld mining the wealth of the Dark and Divine Feminine Nature.

facingher2Facing Her, Drozda, Acrylic/board, 14 x 20 inches, Private collection

By visiting this deeply rooted natural part, even if for only fifteen minutes per day, you will claim gifts of creative maturity. This is when you will also develop the capacity to generate the art/life that you visualized and opened to birth last spring.

“The number of women who are now approaching the fully conscious state already exceeds that of men and will be growing even faster in the years to come.
Men may catch up with them in the end, but for some considerable time there will be a gap between the consciousness of men and that of women.

Women are regaining the function that is their birthright: to be a bridge between the manifested world and the Unmanifested, between physicality and spirit. Your main task as a woman now is to transmute the pain-body so that it no longer comes between you and your true self, the essence of who you are.”

Eckhart Tolle

October’s helps us to focus upon Experience. Think of this as your 31 day energy preview for the coming creative year.

From spring through summer you’re active; creating forward movement. By September you can read the physical, emotional and intuitive signs showing what has been accomplished and is now manifest.

A Thrilling Shift

October opens inner space where Experience reaches further into the un-manifest. This is where you can glimpse energy that will visit in the year ahead. 

Practice being author, director, producer and actor. Choose to BE present to the un-manifest…this is where the treasure lies…in what has not yet been seen or felt or known. 

In working with the rhythm of Slow-Flow Time it helps to review…and review often…the rhythm of the circle of the seasons:

 Medicine WheelStock image, medicine wheel


Earth Calendar, Drozda, Acrylic/canvas, 54 x 54 inches, 1991Earth Calendar, Drozda, Acrylic/canvas, 54 x 54 inches, 1991

All of us can decide (and the phrase is a potent one) to take our time.

But to do so, we have to set aside our busy competence and practicality,

at least for a while, and adopt a gentler and more expansive way of being. 

Christian McEwen

Spring Flowering, Drozda, Journal page, 2016Spring Flowering, Drozda, Journal page, 2016

Spring brings unlimited imagination to cause manifestation. We act with clarity, wisdom and brilliance that lets us shine. We celebrate the ME potential learning to love the Self anew.

Summer provides relationship with Others where we grow, gain increased trust and love to recognize what symbolizes pleasure so that we move away from pain.

Fall creates contrast. We choose to BE more.We do this by a willingness to face and embrace the shadow side of emotions without guilt, blame or shame. We become willing to experience, release and gain strength as we actualize the sacred ME that was birthed at spring.

Winter, rich in the treasures that have been unearthed, allows us time to mine the philosophies and belief systems that will rebirth expansive co-creative thinking. We choose freely to cleanse away the old and outworn, renew vitality and life force as we purify and midwife a deep balance.

yin_yang_tree, stock image Yin/Yang, stock image

“…The power of the World always works in circles, and everything tries to be round…The sky is round, and…the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars.

The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours.

The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle. The moon does the same, and both are round. Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves.”

Black Elk 

As we travel round the circle of the year we each do so with a Personal Year Energy. If you would like to receive the gift of your 2017 Personal Year PDF email me at

Include month and day of birth…I will email your…hot off the press two page report

There is also an umbrella of energy that we call the Global Year influencing each of us with broad brush strokes of direction. As part of this Global Year October stirs a yearning. As nature shows us a dying we also find ourselves wanting to be new…rebirthed…we, like the seed, are anticipating the spring.

A Celebration Week

How do you celebrate going deep within so as to mature?

In what ways are you willing to become healthy?

Are you focused in your creative commitment?

We are Mission Partners. We are exploring the gold mine within, the womb cave, with pick ax and brush in hand. We’re exploring the feminine season freely like horse, quietly honoring and acknowledging the nobility of being Queen, Wise Woman, Heroine, and Crone.

We journey on moving down and in together.

There is tension all around us. 

How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow?

I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole.

C.G. Jung


flotilla2Flotilla, Drozda, Acrylic/board, 18 x 24 inches, Private Collection

2 thoughts on “The Root of the Matter

  1. I love the part about circles by Black Elk! xox

    • Iona Drozda

      I knew you would like the Circle poem by Black Elk Sharmon ‘-)

      Thanks for placing a spotlight on those beautiful words…when something is pointed out we tend to revisit …and I do hope that we will all become familiar with the circle imagery that Black Elk brings.

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