Pay Attention Please

Creek bed at Blue Bird Gulch Tree Farm, Drozda

Welcome to my first blog post in a year!

After a sudden injury on December 6, 2018, I required all of my attention to focus on and devote my time to healing.

It was early on that Thursday morning, which happened to be the 96th anniversary of my dad’s birth. The sun was dazzling as it reflected off the quiet cove.

The dogs usually run free and romp about our one-acre forested yard however that morning BD had asked that I take Junebug out on a leash to keep her from wandering to our neighbor’s deck where Kenny often leaves scraps out for the night critters.

Junebug is a squirrel hunting Mountain Cur and she can’t help herself when she spots a bushy tail. Our yard is home to dozens of red squirrels and unfortunately when she lunged to chase one my right boot caught in an exposed tree root. The tension of her brute strength pulled me forcefully forward and I crashed to the ground. 

I experienced a spectacular personal earthquake.

My ear landed beside my shoulder on the hard ground. I clearly heard the sound of my arm bone-cracking apart. I knew this was bad. Very bad.

I got to my feet, Junebug still in tow. I made my way across the garden and up to the house spontaneously reciting a “Jesus, Mary and Joseph” prayer.

BD came running. She drove me to the ER explaining that it was most likely a ‘football injury’. She described what happens to a player on the field when a collision causes an arm to be dislocated. She said with confidence, “It will hurt like hell as they snap the bone back into place but then you’ll be good-to-go.”

The reality was that x-rays at the ER showed my right humerus broke clear through. I was given a low dose of morphine, sent home in a Velcro sling, and told to keep the arm immobilized for a week as the swelling went down.

A week later I visited the trauma surgeon. New x-rays showed that in addition to the complete break of the humerus there was also the shattering of the top of the humerus bone. 

The trauma surgeon called it a “Humpty Dumpty break.” If you know the nursery rhyme, you’ll recite, as I did.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

There I sat in the role of the shattered egg. Looking at the x-rays the surgeon counseled that ‘our goal is to eventually have you gain a range of motion that will allow you to touch the top of your head so you can shampoo your hair and also be able to reach the lowest shelf to put dishes away in the kitchen.’

I listened to his voice and thought to myself; ‘He doesn’t know me.’

He went on to say, “Think of the bone, touching lightly just above my right elbow, as the cone and the top of the humerus, which is now shattered, as the ice cream. Your job is to make sure the ice cream doesn’t fall off the cone. Your assignment for the next three weeks is: don’t move.”

He also described to me that the nature of the break was such that ‘if we had 9 other surgeons in this room, probably all nine of them would advise surgery. I do not.’ He gave me his reasons and I was relieved to not have incisions, plates, and screws as part of the experience.

The first phase of the healing process required three more weeks of complete stillness and ice packs.  I watched animated videos of how cells begin to regenerate. I visualized the process of cells talking to one another as I sat quietly day after day. 

I don’t traditionally take any kind of pain medication. I recall mother telling me on many occasions, ‘mind over matter’ and ‘this too shall pass.’

I put on my headset and used sound healing. I practiced my meditation techniques. For potential pain management, these were generally only combined and necessary during root canals in the dentist chair.

I quickly learned that broken bone pain is mind-altering on its own. I resorted after the first few days to toggling between Tylenol and another brand of NSAID however that didn’t work as within days my mouth was filled with painful sores … an obscure but noted side effect. Finally, in the third week, I began a very low dose of Tramadol.

In those three weeks of stillness, I became a student of bone repair. I learned of how cells communicate and visualized the knitting process taking place within the bone. I also asked myself if I had any frame of reference in my life for this level of pain and sudden traumatic change. I did. I will be writing about this pivotal part of the experience in the future. 

I slept sitting up for three months. I used, throughout that time, guided healing meditation videos to help myself stay calm, reduce stress and rise above the pain. 

In March the surgeon sent me to physical therapy. I quickly became obsessed with the slow and painful incremental advances in my ability to move the tight, inflexible break zone. My reward was that for the last 20 minutes of each therapy session a soothing heat pack was wrapped around my arm. 

I slowly returned to my yoga practice and began receiving a type of massage called deep tissue release therapy. I knew the importance of bringing trapped emotions from the trauma up and out of my body. Several times a week I had sessions to help clear my cellular memory. I also researched and subscribed to a series of laser therapy and chiropractic adjustments twice weekly.

Healing to the best of my ability was my one and only concern. Exhaustion, while the primary pain and initial recovery took place, was a very real issue. I had to face the fear that at this stage of life I might not regain my normal joyful state of ‘ALIVE! ALIVE! O! 

I learned that an injury of this magnitude would require a full year of disciplined effort for a complete repair.

I have now regained 98% of my original range of motion! I’m thrilled beyond words to have witnessed my body’s ability to regenerate its vitality, movement, and joyful momentum.

The experience has brought me to a new sense of identity that’s still making itself clear. I’m excited to learn what life will be asking of me as a result of this bone-deep authentic shift.

I’m grateful beyond words for all of the love and support that surrounds me.


Pay Attention Please


I’m excited to share a gift created just for you. This ‘Pay Attention‘ MP3 download provides a contemplative glimpse into the Mystery ahead in 2020. I suggest that you take a listen now, and again at the Spring Equinox, at Summer Solstice and once more at Fall Equinox.

Each listening will bring additional ideas and inspirations for remaining focused on the main event for us this year: change our thinking, become more creative than we have imagined in the past and propel possibility and potential forward.

2019 showed us a view that requires revision. Re-Vision. I shared with you here a bit of what that has meant for me. I had no voice to describe my experience as it was unfolding. It was exhausting to add anything extra to the body’s healing process. Many a day I wondered if I was teetering on the edge of depression. Time and again my inner guidance helped me to learn that it was extreme healing masked as bone-deep tiredness. I’ve faced a lot of resistance. I watched the part of me that wanted to be kicking and screaming leading me to dig around and find the resistance list that I offer to you on the audio file.

How does re-vision happen for you? What sorts of resistances pop up to attempt to block your next step? 

On the recording, we consider 12 forms of resistance. That way you can do a review for yourself. Next, in terms of re-vision and paying attention, I note that my subconscious mind throws patterns of doubt, indecision, and fear in front of me. Fortunately, I’m becoming more and more aware of these gremlins and I turn to face them. That doesn’t make for ease or comfort. Standing eye to eye with these mischief-makers is what I have found dispels their desire to stop me. How do you address your demons?

In 2020 we will do ourselves and those around us a favor as we take on the power to be unstoppable.

These are exciting and expansive times. 2020 will be offering us the chance to make real change. Consider the ways in which your life and its mysteries are calling you forward, offering you new areas to mine for growth and evolution. 

Have a listen to the ‘Pay Attention‘ MP3, take some jottings, leave a comment and email me your birth month and day (format example: 2/15) if you would value a 3 page PDF download of your personal 2020 energy.

SPECIAL: During the month of January, I’m offering a ‘Creative Energy Tune-Up^’ check here for those of you who have not worked with me before. This will provide you the ‘joy medicine’ that resonates with your reason for being. Email me for more information or if it feels like a fit order your Tune-UP^ now!

Enjoy the ‘art of the start’ that 2020 brings and notice the new view available as we learn to ‘think again’.

I look forward to hearing from you as you consider what you can share regarding the capacity to change-for-the-better as we change-our-mind in the year ahead.

I send all the best!



10 thoughts on “Pay Attention Please

  1. Hello Donna, I’ve enjoyed listening to the Life cycle download. Thank you so much! Such good news that you have healed so well. It must have been quite a journey.

  2. Eloise Shelton-Mayo

    Dear Donna,

    I’m stunned by what happened to you in your own words and your incredible strength and focus to get so much back!

    The physical and psychological hurdles have been incredible for you in this. Relieved that specialist took a more centered approach in treatment instead of surgery. Donna, you continue to inspire and guide in the deepest level.

    Appreciate your sharing! Much love & admiration!

  3. So delighted to hear that you’ve regained your mobility d! It’s amazing the lessons our bodies have to teach us. I’m delighted also to have you back here. You’ve been missed! Will take a listen to your gift. Thanks you and may 2020 come packed with gifts for you too!

    • Iona Drozda

      Hello Wild C ~ Happy Newest Year!
      Yes. It truly is amazing the lessons that our bodies teach us. I’m so thrilled that I was guided to scope out the deep learning that ‘being shattered’ offered. Not the least of which was the months of quiet healing. I spent so many weeks removed from the busy-ness of the world ‘out there’ delving into the creative possibility and the potential that an ‘earthquake’ can bring. I will be doing my best to convey my experiences and discoveries here going forward.

  4. fragitsa

    dearest iona,
    reading your post has been so inspiring. it inspired me to find the strength and connect to my vision of an inflammation free body. and spirit. i’ve started research on rheumatoid arhtritis and reconnected to past research and past battles. declaring this year Green in color.. in honor of a plant based diet and regrowth. in honor of walks in nature. in honor of hope.
    combined with today’s visit at the embodied miracle summit i i felt the power of being inspired by the good example from our chosen and gifted mentors and friends. and the way that you believed in and allowed space for your body’s ability to heal itself is the ultimate example of embodied love in action. thank you for sharing your experience. and i thank my lucky stars for bringing you in my life.

    • Iona Drozda

      Thank you Fragitsa … I love your report! Following the natural patterns, we remind ourselves to first have the vision: good health in this case. Once we know what we want we do our research. That leads to ACTION! and from there we create a deeper connection with our True Nature. Pause and reflect and see how much you have learned. Share your findings in journal entries or with a trusted friend who will witness your progress. Give Thanks. Dream your fondest dream and spiral into the next level of the vision. We can find a good example and then become a good example for our self.
      Thank you for watching the embodied miracle summit. I was so fortunate that life lifted me up out of the muck and the mire of severe violence and within 48 hours gave me Alice…she modeled for me when I was 19 the kind of life I felt fit my True Nature. I have been endlessly researching and taking action on the vision that she gave me … all those years ago.

  5. Oh my goodness D! I had no idea! You are truly incredible! A bone-deep shift indeed! I’ll be listening to your MP3 this weekend for sure… Thank you for sharing your inspiring story! _/\_ Love, MM

    • Iona Drozda

      Dear MM ‘-)
      Thanks for having a read of this first blog post in a year.
      I am continuing to be open and curious regarding the ability to share the gold that has been mined during this healing time. I look forward to what lies ahead.
      Let me know what ***you hear*** as you listen to the Lifecycle Forecast for 2020 titled ‘Pay Attention’.
      And a most Happy Newest year to you and yours!

  6. My goodness! I’m pleased the saga of this healing was known to me before reading it. I’ve also witnessed the “subject” demonstrate her 98% mobility ! We spoke about the great joy in growing new strengths not simply maintaining our position as we age. I’m delighted to have a “young” friend who renews herself constantly.

    love to one of my favorite spirits,

    Ellis hw

    • Iona Drozda

      Thank You!
      Thank You, elegant Ellis ~
      We can buff one another’s mirrors.
      You inspire me greatly with your magnificent creative engagement in being ALIVE! ALIVE! O!

      I soooo appreciate you ~

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