Name the Shadow

Welcome to the August art/life trail!

We are engaged in the 30 Day Trust Challenge!

Solar Eclipse

Let’s get to know the shadow. Face it. Name it. Get to know it.

Trust is not for the hesitant or the insecure. Trust requires stamina and focus. To remain Trusting requires maturity on the one hand and innocence on the other. We all have seen how babies and young children live in a world of Natural Trust. Then Life happens and Trust may be lost.  We may loose our capacity to recognize what is true. We may loose connection to our Center and begin looking for something ‘out there’ to Trust.

Trust may become elusive, or worse, nonexistent. There may be no good reason to Trust. There may be scant evidence that Life or Others are Trustworthy. There may be so many obstacles. There might be so much drama. At the end of the day we might have documentation: there is no reason to Trust. 

There is the issue of betrayal. We feel betrayed. We loose Trust. Trust may never return.

This 30 Day Trust Challenge is an opening into a depth well.

‘Aquarius’, Drozda, Acrylic/canvas, 48 x 48″, 1993

The concept and quality of a life that we Trust has impact and power to shift perspective. Trust renews your connection to Inner Guidance and to Spirit. Call your Spirit Home during this cycle. Trust brings awareness.

It’s true…not everyone is Trustworthy. During this 30 Day Trust Challenge you can dig a 100 foot well leading to a deeper inner connection to Trust. This cycle you can Trust your intuition

This month renew your Trust in Self. Renew your Trust in Others. Renew your Trust in Life. Renew your Trust and tap into the power to change the world. First; drill deep and discover that Trust changes our personal world. Experience how the Trust-flow moves outward and touches those nearby. Like a quiet reflection in a still-point pool our Trust rests gently.

Pond Reflection, Drozda, 2001

I have, for many years, taken artistic license and slightly paraphrased a poem by Tara Singh…this is my version…I usually sing it to myself:

To give is ever possible
there’s no lack in it.
This is the lesson we all need to learn,
and we learn it by teaching.
Because it is our own doubt that limits us,
This is the issue of our time.
We must transform the scarcity of doubt
to the peace of trust.
We are rewarded with tremendous potential.
And the power of our gratefulness
undoes every obstacle of limitation.


And Yet…

Many of us have ‘no good reason’ to Trust and it is here that the 30 Day Trust Challenge can create a monumental shift. I love this month for all of its inherent power. Things GROW and there is harvest.

Why not reap the Trust that is mine?

Why not notice the ways that the art/life supports me?

Why not go for a stretch in terms of commitment to Trust?

Why not Trust that it’s safe to connect up with others?  

Why not collaborate by Trusting that working together can create a positive tsunami of mutual influence and evolution?

Why not Trust? Here’s the first of the Two Minute Tune-Up^ videos for this week…I invite you to subscribe and stay tuned in.

Name your shadow. Get to know this part. In your creative art/life the shadow has a powerful role to play. All this moon/month turn to face the shadow and see the brilliance that’s just beyond. Trust that ‘-)

Iona at Wren House…Thanks for being here!


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2 thoughts on “Name the Shadow

  1. Linda

    Yesterday’s Full Moon eclipse knocked me flat on every level. After reading today’s post on Trust I had a moment of clarity that explains so much. My biggest trust issue is not trusting myself! I can see where this began in my early childhood and how it has led to the painful lessons I chose along the way. And how I projected that lack of trust out into my life.
    Thank you….

    • Iona Drozda

      Hi Linda
      Thanks so much for your comment and your willingness to be vulnerable. I imagine that many of us here on the art/life trail can relate with what you share.
      I remind us of how potent ACT I (the first Saturn cycle of 30 years) is for providing what I call ‘our lesson plan’. In ACT II (30 – 59 years) we have the time and opportunity to untie the knots of our youth. in ACT III (60- to the last breath) we have the urge to share the passion and compassion of the life that we’ve experienced. It’s so grand that the 30 Day Trust Challenge gifts us with a full cycle to name the shadow that wants to keep us small and then gives us the space to feel a sense of renewed Trust …as on we go. Traveling together is the Wise Woman Way. I’m so glad that you are here.

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