Moonlight Falls…

Welcome to the art/life trail ride! The August Moon connects us to the keyword Trust.  Our 30 day challenge for the moon/month includes Trusting that it’s safe to be safe. That’s a creative concept in and of itself! Once safe it is also safe to let your freak flag fly!

Coloring outside the lines is just one of the many perks of living the art/life. While on the trail ride together we ignite one another’s sparks of passion and purpose as we support the trajectory of ‘never before!’

Postcard from 'OM'

I have a feeling that if we were to take a poll to see which one of our 12 keywords creates the greatest and most instantaneous negative stress response it would be the quality of Trust. But don’t Trust me on that…do your own research. 

Trust is natural but it is not usual

We come into the world with Trust then we are challenged. Before long we need to learn what is safe to Trust. We need to develop a lifelong practice of ‘Whom do I Trust? Do I Trust myself? Do I have the courage to stay in my heart and stand in this current stage of my art/life, Trusting that this is where I belong?

My Short Story

I learn by observing nature. I see the quick reaction from butterfly, bird, deer and all other wild neighbors to ‘anything that moves’. This year’s batch of new fox teens are exploring early in the morning and at dusk all around Wren House. They hop, scamper, poke, paw and sometimes I see them as they lie around for a short time in the heat of the afternoon outside the studio.

Fox resting in the side yardFox resting in the side yard, Drozda, 2016

Yet all that is required to clear the area is a movement or sound and they skedaddle into the undergrowth and vanish.

This month:
pay attention

Each keyword acts as a power tool ready to assist in your creative work. Yet sometimes the meaning of the  quality is illusive. August/Leo/Trust pushes toward potent action oriented focus.

Ask yourself:

What do I need to be paying attention to?

Where do I shine?

What do I have to offer?

Do I Trust my ability to grow?

We’re at the midpoint in the summer quadrant:



As you move into the moon/month that ignites the fire in the belly, notice your patterns. This August/Leo segment of the wheel spirals up and then it lifts us out into our place in the world. That’s where the Trust factor comes in. Even though this is the natural time for action it’s subjective. I may not feel inclined to be a marathon athlete however I may have a real gift for going the long distance at my own pace. Do I put my chips on myself or do I get sucked into thinking that I ought to be doing it ‘their way’?

This point on the Natural Year provides a check and balance on how you Trust your art/life. Notice:

Where does your art/life holds the most grace?

Heart Work 2, Drozda, Acrylic sketch, 2010Heart Work, Drozda, Acrylic sketch, 2010

Fire is the element this moon/month: igniting passion. Letting you see when you smolder and when you feed the flame.

Homage, Acrylic/board, 20 x 16"Homage, Drozda, Acrylic/board, 20 x 16″, 1998

Just like moons and like suns

With the certainty of tides

Just like hopes springing high

Still I’ll rise.”

– Maya Angelou, “Still I Rise,” 1978


This second step on the Southern Pathway of the Natural Calendar marks a deep commitment. Trust yourself and tend to your Vision. Circle back to April/Clarity and check in on what it was you were willing to invest in for this Natural Year.

Reconnect with your original reason for embarking on the trail ride for 2016. The 2016_LIFECYCLEFORECAST reminds us that our focus is on Compassion in Action. How is that creative concept playing out for you?

What did you intend to have come of this year?

What is this time in your art/life for?

Sometimes we forget our courageous creative agreements. It seems easier to drift than to stay the course. We lose contact with the purpose of our original desire and before we know it confusion and skeptical thinking darkens the door. In order to Trust your art/life be willing to remember what sets you on fire.

Growth + Trust = Love

Trust represents the middle stone on the summer pathway. Standing here we look to the Center of the Wheel. Being proactive we make sparks fly and light up the room…and the greater world in which we move. I might be a firefly, you might be a bonfire…yet we are shining.

As Growth leads to Trust we become steady.  Like a candle in a still room we remain centered. We are taking note that no matter what growing edge we may be on we can Trust that all will be well as you take each step in the direction of your vision with the courage to be seen lit up with passion!

Bodhichitta Heart, Drozda, Acrylic/board, 20 x 16", 2010Bodhichitta Heart, Drozda, Acrylic/board, 20×16″, 2010

I invite you to Trust your art/life as though your beautiful life depends upon it…because it does.

Click the Face Book like button and share this post with those you know who are at a fork in the road. They may be curious about harnessing their natural energy, finding their own natural pace of grace, hopping onto the art/life trail ride.

Leave a comment and let us cheer you on…

See you next week!


4 thoughts on “Moonlight Falls…

  1. hmmmm. yes. trusting that it’s safe to be safe while recognizing safe is a moving target has always been part of my wonderful world of keeping on keeping on. Yep. these cosmic words you list each month are calming and reassuring. Thanks my dear Donna Iona of the Island lost in mist yet always available to our eyes.

    • Iona Drozda

      Dear Ellis… as well as trust…both moving targets…keeps the adventure alive alive O.
      Speaking of trust does bring to mind desolate,isolated places like the Isle of Iona…sometimes we need to get off the path and travel far far away to see just how courageous we are…next week we’ll be looking at: ‘are we reckless or are we rich in courage?’ Trust requires inquiry 😉

      • “trust requires inquiry” was such a wonderful thought . Thank you.

        • Iona Drozda

          Me too Ellis. That helps me stop long enough to be curious. Whatz’ really happenin’ here?
          What needs my attention and intention? What can I take responsibility for trusting that the next step is going to follow that pause.
          Cool process…stop long enough to simply be curious.

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