Kindled, Grounded and Spacious


 Goddess in the Making, Drozda, Acrylic/canvas, 36 by 36 inches, 1996, available for purchase

We are all such exquisite and ruthless combinations of wisdom and woundedness.

Jan Crawford

Welcome to the art/life trail ride! It’s the last week in our 30 day Wisdom challenge…what does it mean to be wise? As you’ve moved through the Clarity and Wisdom moon months notice how you’ve navigated your art/life.

For me this has been one of those times when I’ve been wise to gallop full speed ahead knowing that after a time I’ll press the pause button and completely relax. I make sure I include my yoga practice, spend time in the garden, sit back at the cove watching the wood ducks and geese floating. I go to my tree farm and hike the expanding pathways. Here is a recent visitor caught on our wildlife camera…handsome old guy wandering through. Remember last post when we considered the idea of something unexpected appearing on the path… W I L D…

Black Bear at Blue Bird Gulch, May 2016Black Bear wandering the path at Blue Bird Gulch, caught on wildlife camera, May 19, 2016

Since April there has been much enriching ‘in person’ engagement for me. Spring is like that in my schedule…what keeps you lit up, expanding and stretched out into the world?

In these first three spring moon/months we’re offered the opportunity to get to know ourselves in fresh new ways…the focus is literally on ‘ME’ for the entire 90 days. Not ‘me’ in a narcissistic self absorbed way. During this time we consciously consider ‘ME’ as a code. ‘ME’ is a word that represents the deeply rooted feminine. This power is grounded and now moves from the center that we cultivated during the fall/winter. The movement is naturally outward at this time. My ‘ME’ is eager to meet up with the ‘sky’s the limit’ masculine part carrying ME out into the world forging a complete and balanced partnership. Think ultimate relationship. It is quite fine.



Since the beginning of this New art/life trail ride (March 20) I’ve gotten married! Thank you to all trail blazers and to the Supreme Court for making it possible for ME to wed the brightest, funniest and feistiest woman I’ve ever had the good fortune to meet. This is big and joyful and the experience has me on a different wavelength. I continue to note and monitor this large art/life event and even though we’ve been together for 33.5 years this is one of those things that has shifted some of my attention in ways I wouldn’t have known to expect.

In addition to ‘goin’ to the chapel and gettin’ married… I gave my second of four yearly talks on the topic of Metta at Unity Fellowship in Williamsburg. I designed and facilitated four different studios at the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art. Since this Natural Year began on March 20 I’ve had the joy of creating in the studio’s at MOCA with groups made up of teens, adults and two groups under age twelve.

In these past two moon/months I’ve journeyed along the trail with forty Lifecycle clients in creative collaboration that touches, moves and inspires as it is unfolds and uplifts. Check out the Lifecycle Testimonial page.  

In my studio much has been happening; fabric works as well as pieces for a June invitational titled ‘The Artist Studio’. Each May for the past 16 years I’ve published a white on black drawing for the Luna Press Calendar… here’s my 2017 design:


Full Moon and Fire Flies, Drozda, ink on Arches, 9 x 12 inches, 2016

During this 90 days I’ve been adviser for a graduating senior’s art project which included guidance on how to curate an exhibition and host an opening.

Currently I am pleased to be one of three artists creating a pilot for the Community Healing Arts Initiative program meeting with a group of Army and Navy veterans. Together we enlist the visual journal as a tool for integrating wounds with wisdom. This is a collaboration between city and non-profit venues and I’m excited to be playing a part.

DrozdaJournal_Phoenix. 2001

Visual Journal page, Drozda, drawing, 2001

I mention these varied projects because it’s the time to consider the ways that you balance taking time for self care while you also reach out and take action. Between October and March we invested in quieting and regenerating. As a result we now have an energy bank. I call this our Grace Account. We made our deposits into our energetic grace account during those six feminine regenerative months. Now we can fund what needs to be done without burn out.

This week we bridge into the last moon of the spring quadrant. It’s time to celebrate. I celebrate working closely with others. I celebrate the ability to balance engagement with multiple groups and taking time to simply sit and breathe, watch birds, hike trails, plant seeds and sip wine with a good read or a rich conversation on the back porch.

Take time to remember the Clarity of April that has brought you Wisdom in May. Consciously prepare to invite in your June Brilliance/Illumination/Radiance. 

This week on Saturday June 4, the New Illumination Moon cycle opens and together we will practice leaning into brilliance and inner radiance. We’ll start the 30 day Radiance challenge by discovering ways to be shining a light into the dark.

Ask yourself: 

What kindles my Clarity, grounds my Wisdom and opens ME to spacious mind and radiant Brilliance?



As a result of the fast-paced fun-filled weeks at the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art I have discovered new and invigorating Wisdom. This happens for me in working with artists of all ages. I’ve been designing studios for youth and adults at MOCA for almost two decades and every group makes for all fresh and all new. 

Plus it’s a raucous ride through each semester traveling with those who are willing to play like healthy six year old’s being art detectives, explorers and adventurers. Creative play is the best for keeping the heart/mind young. Bravo to us all on the art/life trail ride…each and every one.

This week I celebrate the wisdom of the child in us…

Here is a brief glimpse into the world my artist/colleagues taking part in Saturday in the Studio. SiS is an apprentice program where elementary aged artists take part in demonstration and participation…creating marvels and wonders during our shared time in the studio.

Batik-group2_2013 batik_2011_2a MOCA-Painting Naomipeacock2 wesdragonstart wesdragon2 MOCA_MonoPrints6_2012 CACV_2011_animalart_shark1 cacvbanner5_2011 paradegang sarahzebra3












































Gabiturtle_MOCA_2016 evieMOCA2016 ViewMaster_MOCA_2016 PeterSketching_MOCA2016

6 thoughts on “Kindled, Grounded and Spacious

  1. Being able to hold temporarily, a creative process in their hands, creates fireworks of possibility in these growing minds. Confident creative children grow up being unafraid of work.
    My favorite photo is the little girl in the green shirt, her black and white zebra is ready for plains of Africa. She looks up over her glasses at the photographer, conveying a “may I help you? look in her eyes.
    Who would not be honored to create with these young artists.

    • Iona Drozda

      Hello Sandra
      I truly appreciate your grand review…and yuppers…it is such a joy and an honor to hang with these curious and confident young artists.
      I learn a whole lot about ‘just play’ with every group.

      And yes…the zebra is stellar. So many times the young artist wants to let others know how much they love an animal…and inside of each sculpture they insert a message of the way that they themselves will continue to care.

  2. How utterly glorious and radiant! Love the beacon you are shining to parts all around, and gently guiding others to release their own magnificence. Thank you, congratulations, and onward!! <3

    • Iona Drozda

      Thanks so much Meg!

      Your presence and enthusiasm add to the journey!

  3. Marianne

    Aaaaahhhhh………….what a fitting “re-entry” into ME after all this time, Donna! For more than a month now, I have been running full-out without time to just listen, sit, be. But today, I was able to actually open my email and make a bee line to your post for a much needed gulp of fresh air! It was a refreshing rediscovery of time, of the deeply delicious nutrition in creativity, and of my sorely missed fellow-journeyers! Your life is so rich and full that it just can’t HELP spilling over into our lives as well! Thank you for once again guiding us home and nurturing us along the way…’s good to be back on the trail!

    • Iona Drozda

      Hello Marianne…It’s good…so good…. to see you here following your month of taking special care.

      I know that you’ve been tending to most important art/life issues…most important.
      Rediscovery time, the nourishing quality of creativity, and jumping back into the saddle…all best medicine.


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