Get Lit UP^

~ Welcome to the art/life trail ride ~

We are a dedicated group of artful gardeners flowing with the circle of the seasons. Each of us in our own way volunteers to line up with the creative energy of the year.  2017 sets us off on a new path opening to the uncharted territory of the Creative Decade ahead. What will you create? How will your garden grow?

Wren House Studio  Garden, Drozda, 2017

The June challenge (and opportunity) lines up with your brilliance. This is the moon/month to invest in your radiant, never-to-be-repeated magnificence. For really. As a creative exercise this is priming the pump for what will follow. Play with the idea of being ignited, lit up! Be ready to shine.  Just for fun notice how much you can celebrate… glimmer and sparkle…all month long.

When you plant a seed in the ground, it may look like any other seed, brown and dried up with the appearance of no life force in it. Nevertheless, you place it in the ground in confidence, and at the right time it starts to grow.

It knows what it is going to grow into. You only know what you have placed in the ground by what was on the packet, but you have confidence that the specific plant will grow from that specific seed, and it does.

When you plant the right ideas and thoughts in your mind, you must do it in complete confidence, knowing that only the perfect will spring forth from those ideas and thoughts.

As your trust and confidence become strong and unshakable, those constructive thoughts and ideas begin to grow and develop. In this way you can accomplish anything. It is that inner power within each one which does the work. It is the I AM within you.

Eileen Caddy




A good garden begins with the seed catalog. You pour over the choices available and consider the conditions present. Next there is the preparation of the soil. Before a seed goes into the ground much work is done.

At this moment, within you, within me, within the WE there is a new creative seed to harvest. It must first be collected yet even then it will remain lifeless unless planted. Vision seeds lie dormant until the creative soil is prepared.

This year prepare the ground. Let everything regarding your art/life be new. Our purpose here on the art/life trail is to plant the best and strongest creative seed vision possible.

2017 provides the opportunity to up-level by consciously engaging with your seed vision. Visualize the ways that you might grow and expand your passion over the next decade. Ten years can feel daunting and at the same time exciting! That’s why we make and take our steps moon by moon gently challenging yourself through the seasons.

30 Day June Challenge Reminder

June Seed Idea: Radiance. ‘Don’t hide your light under a bushel.’ Come out come out wherever you are! Shine your brilliance and stand in the beam of what you have discovered about yourself and your dream/seed vision since the Aries New Moon. The ego would attempt to convince you that you are not ready and you are not enough. This moon/month be brilliant and shine like a star!

See you next time on the trail

6 thoughts on “Get Lit UP^

  1. Every day is a “gardening” day as we plant seeds with our thoughts, feelings and intentions. Some unconscious “weeds” get in and surely grow if they are fed. Conscious gardening is the goal and takes attention to all forms that are growing in our life garden. Sometimes pulling unwanted ones out is required as is watering with love what we want to flourish and bloom.

    As always, thank you Donna for watering the seeds of inspiration.

    • Iona Drozda

      Hey Joanne
      Heartist to Heartist on we go…weeding as needed ‘-)

  2. Ilse-Lore Trunk

    Such a lovely and meaningful path indeed!!!!!!

    • Iona Drozda

      Hello Ilse…glad that you are here bringing your lovely meaning too ‘-)

  3. Marianne

    LOVE this, Donna!!! It is short, inspiring, insightful, and MOTIVATING!! I think we can all feel the stirrings of something new within ourselves and your words just serve to make it all conscious and, even better, possible! Got a couple of little brown seeds newly in the ‘soil’ but after reading this, I’m a’gonna go get me a HANDFUL of them and toss them joyfully in all directions, knowing that they will land where they must and that they will soon be lighting up this world in their own timing during the coming months. Thank you for this reminder and gentle kick!

    • Iona Drozda

      Hi Marianne. We can do this! We can support one another in tilling the soil of our creative imagination as we investigate the trail ahead…blossom and flow…on we go.

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