At the Cross Road

The Great Escape, Drozda, Acrylic/canvas, 48 x 36" private collection

The Great Escape, Drozda, Acrylic/canvas, 48 x 36 inches, private collection

Creative minds have always been known to survive any kind of bad training.

Anna Freud 

Welcome to the art/life trail ride!

We are closing the Growth moon/month and the 30 day challenge of exploring emotional balance. How did it go for you? A hefty part of emotional health is not judging ourselves. Rather we get a grip, take a deep breath and sense into the areas where change would bring benefit. The primary care of emotional well being is to do no intentional harm and as the Dalai Lama reminds to be “wise selfish” in placing first attention on ‘how am I doing?’

Thirty days gives us time and space for this vital and highly creative check-in and check-up. We’ve taken thirty days to create a zone of learning, each day fresh and new, to balance emotions. Asking for help and creating a support team is also a vital aspect of the art/life trail ride. We are in this together and that’s cause for a hearty Bravo!!

Visualize ourselves, one by one, being well trained to return to emotional alignment and notice that we can actually create waves…like pouring water onto parched earth.

Aquarius, Drozda, Acrylic/canvas, 48 x 48 inches, 1997Aquarius, Drozda, Acrylic/canvas, 48 x 48 inches, 1997

Throughout the Growth moon/month it’s powerful to observe, take note, make conscious, be aware of the ways we can bring ourselves back to center even when things fall apart.

My Short Story

I literally ‘hit a wall’ this past week. I was taking June Bug outdoors for her last pee before bed when suddenly there was a loud bang- like fireworks- coming from a home several doors down. Our usually pastoral street was lined with cars, there was loud music and the summer pool party was in full swing. June Bug hears the explosions and begins to tremble and pull as she stares up at the sky desperate to run away as is usual for her at the least indication of ‘thunder’. Straining at the leash pulling me with her… I turn to direct her back toward the house…and BAM! forehead smashes into a large low hanging limb on ancient cherry tree. My head knocked off of my shoulders I see stars. Once back inside all that helps is tears. Soon I realize that aside from the shock and a couple of scratches I’m okay. A trip to the chiropractor gets everything back into place.

The Chiropractor in You

What we’re all doing here, week to week, is a kind of creative chiropractic adjustment. We’re engaging in an on-going refresher course for creative focus. There’s uplift in knowing when to make adjustments as we keep creative mojo flowin’. 


We enlist twelve keywords that gently yet powerfully lead us forward step by step. We devote ourselves to looking for evidence, in the studio and all around, indicating that we are on the clearest path. When we get stuck in the briar and the brambles we help one another get back on track.

Ambling down the art/life trail we remind ourselves that we’re here to be experiencing, expressing, creating and contributing gifts and talents that are not going to be seen again in the same way ever again. Together we add beauty and wonder and gentle strength to the mix. 

Summer Solstice/Fall Equinox: Midpoint

August 1st marks the cross quarter day opening the way to Trust. Where do you stand within the context and container of Trust for your art/life? How do you feel about the path as it’s unfolding? August gives us ample time toTrust our competence. We have the ability to renew and regenerate.

30 Day ‘TRUST’ Challenge

August 4 the New Trust Moon brings the 30 day challenge: Trust compassionate response. For thirty days intend to express compassion. Trust how well the art/life works. Dream of all the ways that the art/life can be trusted to carry you forward with passion and joyful focus.

May Compassionate Trust Infuse Your Heart, Soul and Mind 

The summer months are moving fast. This is the opportunity to Grow in Trust and Love as we pay close attention to what is manifesting along the trail.

I’m fond of summer for many reasons, year after year I witness magic happening with young artists in the studios I design and facilitate at the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art. I remind my young artists that we are explorers, detectives, scientists and observers…we make beauty and wonder and bring into form what we love and often have no words for.


Virginia MOCA Summer Art Camp Archives

Art in the Park, Drozda, 2010Art in the Park Studio, Drozda, 2010

VA. MOCA, Summer StudioSummer Studio Archives, Drozda, 2010

Summer Studio Archives, Drozda, 2011Summer Studio Archives, Drozda, 2011

Summer Studio Archives, Drozda, 2012Summer Studio Archives, Drozda, 2012

See you on the trail! 

4 thoughts on “At the Cross Road

  1. Rebecca

    Thank you again and again, Donna.

    • Iona Drozda

      Hi Rebecca
      I’m so glad that you are on the trail ride … we help one another go the distance… no excuses.

      Happy trails to you 😉

  2. Kay

    Sorry about the bang on the head. I did exactly the same thing when we were at the Grand Canyon. Thought it was funny that you also have a photo of what looks like the Grand Canyon on your post. Just reminded me of the huge headache……but I survived and I too got everything back in place. Only difference was that along with the pain was the embarrassment. Thanks for the reminder that when we need alignment, we can readjust and get back on track.

    • Iona Drozda

      Thanks Kay…I’ve received several emails about my little head too and I so appreciate the good thoughts. I’m sorry that your ‘head banging’ had to happen in public…it is so painful to experience a ‘jolt outta the blue’ and having it happen with an audience of whatever size is all the more humbling. Fortunately we are both made of strong stuff 😉

      All this month we can remember that this is a natural time to align. Life can be trusted. No matter how we might get knocked outta the saddle we truly can climb back onto the back of our steed and carry on. The challenge is to Trust the process.

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