One Pill Makes You Larger …

Dear Readers, There is a bright turn occurring for the nineteen-year-old. The ‘medicine’ that “will help you feel better” is taking effect. As she transmits this part of her experience I am at the tree farm, eight days off-grid on 50-acres of completely quiet land (save for the wind...

Dancing in the Dark…

Welcome to the art/life trail. November offers time to reflect. These four weeks provide a natural time to reconnect to what holds deep meaning for you. Consider your dreams, ideas, visions, inclinations to express yourself. Reflect upon the creative juice within your relationships.  Also note the opportunities facing you...

Darkest Before the Dawn

Welcome to the art/life trail The keyword for creative alignment in March is  Purify To purify can mean many things to many people. For our creative connection:  Think hospice. Hospice is the process of supplying palliative care to one who is in the final stages of life. Hospice care...

Take a Breather

Welcome to the art/life trail…   “The psyches and souls of women also have their own cycles and seasons of doing and solitude, running and staying, being involved and being removed, questing and resting, creating and incubating, being of the world and returning to the soul-place.”    Clarissa Pinkola...

The August Grace of the Greening Force Pace

The Greening Force is a Feminine Power defined as the natural organic inclination to grow, give birth, midwife a part that we may have yearned and dreamed to experience. Being Present, Drozda, Acrylic/canvas, private collection Think of the Greening Force as a creative tool throughout the fast paced summer...

Whose That Wise Guy

Welcome to the art/life trail ride! And Happy New ‘Illumination’ Moon! If you are new here on the trail it’s so good to have you join us! We’re making our way around the Circle of the Natural Year.  The Natural Year extends from the Aries New Moon (near the spring...

All Mother Sentient Beings

Welcome to the art/life trail ride! We are half way through the Wisdom Moon cycle. At the midpoint of each month we can pause and reflect. This is when you can see your shadow and attend to its needs. Stand outdoors under the Full Moon and you’ll notice what...

Let’s Be Wise

Welcome to the art/life trail ride! We’re moving through the Wisdom Moon/Month of May where the sensual and passionate burgeoning of nature surrounds! In my own backyard I observe a blue bird family, a cardinal nesting pair coming and going from the old boxwood hedge, Canada geese tending their...