Pink … The Lady Slipper

Be tenacious!  Have courage! When everything that you recognize is stripped away know that as a creative being you can still blossom. Pink. The Lady Slipper Orchid emerging after surviving the timbering, April 2022 It was the holiday season of 2009. We simply took a drive. Heading west four hours from Wren House we enter […]

Gratitude to Mother Earth Sailing Through Night and Day …

Happy Earth Day! Caught on the wildlife camera at the tree farm early this month And here, in honor of National Poetry Month is one of my all-time favs by Zen-poet, Gary Snyder: Prayer for the Great Family (after a Mohawk Prayer) Gratitude to Mother Earth, sailing through night and day– and to her soil: rich, rare, […]

How Will You Emerge? What Will You See?

At the equinox, Sunday, March 20, creative energy will shift, as will natural momentum, calling each of us forth from winter’s restorative cave. Night roaming coyote/looking like s/he is emerging from a natural cave wildlife camera capture at the tree farm Will you be ready to emerge? Will you consider the way(s) your dream-seed-vision can […]

Love the Moment … Clear the Way Forward

If you are new here, welcome! Happy Newest Creative Year! If you are an Old Friend you may be mindful that on December 21 the North Gate opened to the twelve weeks of winter. The ninety days that make up this natural quarter of the year provide the time to mine the gold deep within […]

Great Inner Strength

Each December you and I are offered the opportunity to check-in and acknowledge the truth of our great Inner Strength.   Interestingly our culture cranks up our distraction quotient to such a degree that in actuality many of us seem to lose ourselves in this swirl of doing and going and buying and consuming. Let’s […]

The FREE 8-Day Emotional Maturity Challenge Registration is open

The fall equinox on September 22 began our six-month journey inward. We now turn our attention to reenergizing our creative vision. Over the next six months notice how your identity shifts and changes, naturally. You are not the same as you were last year. The West Gate opens into space, and time, meant to rediscover […]

Growing Together

My thanks to Norfolk Academy, artist Rick Nickle and artist-curator Betsy DiJulio (who made it all happen 😉  for the exhibition ‘Growing Together’. In lieu of a public opening, canceled due to Covid, I have created a brief walk-through.  Click on the image to take the 18-minute gallery tour: Please leave a comment, choose a […]