How Will You Emerge? What Will You See?

At the equinox, Sunday, March 20, creative energy will shift, as will natural momentum, calling each of us forth from winter’s restorative cave.

Night roaming coyote/looking like s/he is emerging from a natural cave
wildlife camera capture at the tree farm

Will you be ready to emerge? Will you consider the way(s) your dream-seed-vision can grow? Will you flex your creative muscles? Picture a fledgling balanced on the edge of the nest. Are you willing to lift off to meet the next evolution of your Greater Self? Will you recognize that your Greater Self has the ability to climb, ever higher and ever higher toward your destiny/calling/life purpose/sacred dream?

I’ve copied these words from Martha Graham into my journals for decades:

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open.”

Here is a good discussion as written by James Clear, on comparing ourselves to others.

Journal entry, Drozda

We need to be reminded, again and again, that we are worthy. An artist hero of mine is Louise Nevelson who gave us this gem:

“It’s a hell of a thing to be born.
And if you’re born you’re at least entitled to yourself.” 

So here we are; approaching the East Gate leading to April, May, June the ninety days of spring. We’ll step across the threshold in four short weeks beginning the six-month journey of growing (for this natural year) into who we came to be.

We’ve recently posted the Free 8-day How to Jump-Start Your Creativity Challenge. If you haven’t had the experience … it’s all-new. Click to learn more and to register. Once you register I’ll email you the links for all 8-days. You can engage whenever you are ready to Jump-Start your Creative Energy. 

The challenge and all of our online circles of support provide a genuine opportunity to focus. The format is the short video and devotes 15 minutes to the prompt offered. Many times your Greater Self will gift you with a direction that is uniquely yours. That’s valuable. That’s your power. Follow that. The challenge brings focus via an 8 step approach. The 8 steps can be applied to any area of life that would benefit from a jump-start. Any area at all. You decide. 

8 Steps to Jump-Start Your Creativity …
creating increased focus and self-expression:

  1. Fondest Dream

  2. Vision

  3. Research

  4. Action

  5. Evolution of creative structure

  6. Review: reflect upon and see the shadow

  7. Share what you’ve discovered

  8. Grown-UP^ gratitude

As we travel we gain wisdom and realize that thoughts and feelings radiate out from our center making an impact upon those around us.

Following her engagement, with this 8-day Jump-Start Challenge artist Kristin Harris shared a glimpse into her process. Click on the link to read her takeaways and to see samples of her vibrant work. 

The Tree of Life, version 1,  Kristin Reiber Harris

I learn from your sharing and I cherish the opportunity to invite us to come together to explore the creative energy flowing through the circadian rhythms of the natural year.  

On Wednesday, February 23 at noon eastern I will host a 15-minute Facebook LIVE on our private 8-day challenge group site! Join us as I introduce our spring program:

Emerge n See:

We begin March 14




One thought on “How Will You Emerge? What Will You See?

  1. Lynn

    Lots of yummy content here. I particularly enjoyed the Clear article. “Keep your eyes on your own paper.” Love that!!! Looking forward to your Spring offering!

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