Adding Grace to Your Pace

Welcome to the art/life trail! How exciting it is to begin our yearly journey through The Mystery. Each Natural/Circadian year, between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, offers us the time to reconnect to the power of the Unknown and the Not-to-be-known. What would life be without the opportunity to be curious and open-minded? What intrigue […]

Are You Scurrying?

Welcome to the art/life trail! In October something wonderful emerges. A shift happens. You can look over your shoulder (as you step further into the autumn) and see what’s happened since spring. Time to reflect upon where you’ve been, how you’ve been With whom you’ve been engaged.   Take a Moment and Pause Create a […]

Cross Quarter and the Six Weeks Ahead…

Welcome to the art/life trail! It’s Imbolc/Candlemas the cross-quarter day midpoint between solstice and equinox. A deeply quiet time when our culture checks to see if the groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, foretells more winter. However you tap in it’s apparent that this is a point of shift in the energy in which we live and move and […]

The Mystery Explored

Welcome to the art/life trail! This week we pause and ponder The Mystery as we also engage a renewed relationship with Natural Time…join us for the free 8-Day Challenge… Register Here Taking command for the highest creative connection…a most wondrous part of the path in each Natural Year. Hail!, Drozda, Acrylic/canvas, 24 x 36″ Creative […]