The Beautiful Trail

Dear Readers, One of the best gifts at this age is having the awareness that there are moments in life named: Pivotal. Turning points. Mystical Openings. Call them what you will just be sure to call them. Usher them in. Make space for the opportunity to never be the...

One Pill Makes You Larger …

Dear Readers, There is a bright turn occurring for the nineteen-year-old. The ‘medicine’ that “will help you feel better” is taking effect. As she transmits this part of her experience I am at the tree farm, eight days off-grid on 50-acres of completely quiet land (save for the wind...

The Trap is Set

WARNING… Dear Readers, as stated in the last post…I appreciate your empathic eyes, your compassionate hearts, and your thoughtful comments both here and those received via email. Warning: violence ahead Take good care and tend to yourself. Do not read this excerpt if you are subject to PTSD. Do not...

You Made Your Bed

The story now takes a turn becoming more of a challenge.  I include a warning at the close of this post. My seventy-one-year-old current self steps back allowing this story to be written. The nineteen-year-old self has waited for a very long time to tell of her experience.   ...

The Root of the Matter

I’m mapping a year of recovery from a traumatic injury. The last several posts have curved beyond the experience of last year circling around to meet another time and place. Shortly after the injury, facing a long recovery period, I became aware that my inner nineteen-year-old had an experience...

Bad. Wrong. A Burden.

I’m currently mapping a year of recovery from a traumatic injury. I now share this experience, through the eyes of my nineteen-year-old. Why? Because she has been communicating with me and needs to hear her own voice. She has a report to give. She is not a victim and...

The Weight of the World

Most unhappiness comes from not being able to sit quietly in a room. Pascal I’m mapping out a year of recovery from a traumatic injury. As a seventy-year-old artist, I am choosing to address the fear as well as the creative opportunities that made themselves known while healing took...

Failure in My Bones

I was telling myself to calm down. I was paying attention to the way that I talk to myself. I could tell this experience was different. I’m sharing a personal story of recovery. This is what occurred as a result of my earthquake experience. I acknowledge and respect the...

We’ve Arrived…

Happy Vernal Equinox!! “You can go backwards to comfort or forward to growth. You must choose growth again and again. You must challenge your fears again and again.”          Abraham Maslow Welcome to the Art/Life Trail! With the upcoming March 28 new moon we jump back into the saddle...