The North Gate Opens: Stepping into the Mystery


End-of-Year Review



by David Whyte

There is a faith in loving fiercely
the one who is rightfully yours,
especially if you have
waited years and especially
if part of you never believed
you could deserve this
loved and beckoning hand
held out to you this way.

I am thinking of faith now
and the testaments of loneliness
and what we feel we are
worthy of in this world.

Years ago in the Hebrides,
I remember an old man
who walked every morning
on the grey stones
to the shore of baying seals,
who would press his hat
to his chest in the blustering
salt wind and say his prayer
to the turbulent Jesus
hidden in the water,

and I think of the story
of the storm and everyone
waking and seeing
the distant
yet familiar figure
far across the water
calling to them

and how we are all
preparing for that
abrupt waking,
and that calling,
and that moment
we have to say yes,
except it will
not come so grandly
so Biblically
but more subtly
and intimately in the face
of the one you know
you have to love

so that when
we finally step out of the boat
toward them, we find
everything holds
us, and everything confirms
our courage, and if you wanted
to drown you could,
but you don’t
because finally
after all this struggle
and all these years
you simply don’t want to
any more
you’ve simply had enough
of drowning
and you want to live and you
want to love and you will
walk across any territory
and any darkness
however fluid and however
dangerous to take the
one hand you know
belongs in yours.

A young artist in my Virginia MOCA Blue Glue Batik studio, Drozda

During the moon/month of December, the North Gate opens (watch the two-minute video to support this turn of the wheel) on the 21st day: the Winter Solstice. Now we can set aside time for turning within, journaling the inventory of the true nature of our strength over the past year. The End-of-Year in Review by Alyson Stanfield can help you.

A lot has been going on. How do you celebrate your success? How do you make your way through the missed marks of the muck and the mire?

Travel back to March 2022. Review and reflect upon all that you have experienced. What was expressed, created, and contributed since the spring equinox?


Celebrate your Strength!!

The shortest, darkest day of the year opens the doorway to increasing light as together we enter the Mystery Quadrant. I translate Mystery into MyStory to bring home the potent opportunity offered during these 90 days of the winter quarter of the natural year.

We now enter a natural time for exploration into the deepest widest connections with our creative brilliance. Factor in plenty of time for rest. We want to reflect and re-create a relationship with our deepest roots, feeling grounded and stable.



Each turn of the Natural Calendar Wheel evolves your gifts and talents.

Everyone benefits as you grow into sharing your unique brilliance.

Throughout the twelve weeks ahead, (December 21 – March 20), lean into the deepest roots of your creative capacity to BE the change you dream to see.

The invisible forces and Mighty Companions, the Holy Helpers, and Angelic Forces are lined up waiting for your call as we enter the twelve weeks of The Yin- Mystery/MyStory.

Now we open to receive the connection to something deeper and wider than our conscious mind can know … we breathe in the mystical/alchemical/never-before quality of BEing you.


I look forward to hearing how you experience your relationship with The Mystery/ MyStory, as the weeks ahead unfold. If there was a turning point for you this year you may want to share it as we grow together as Creatives making and taking action to expand the joys of self-expression!

~ I look forward to seeing YOU in the New Year ~




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