After the Earthquake

                                               The first handmade trail at the tree farm retreat in 2013 After the earthquake, I was pretty scared. Terrified really. It’s not easy to tell when...

Dancing in the Dark…

Welcome to the art/life trail. November offers time to reflect. These four weeks provide a natural time to reconnect to what holds deep meaning for you. Consider your dreams, ideas, visions, inclinations to express yourself. Reflect upon the creative juice within your relationships.  Also note the opportunities facing you...

Get Reflective

Welcome to the art/life trail! ~ I’m so happy that you are here ~ As we move along the art/life path this is the time of year to literally imagine that we are riding into the sunset…facing West together. Not the classic ‘The End’ scene; the curtain isn’t falling yet,...

Noble in Nature

“Every human life has their seeds, their birth, their family history and cultures, and their own experiences. In your studio, it should be yourself that you are seeking. We are all thickly layered and fragile. Heredity, culture, and experiences all combine to make each one of us unique and...

What Do You Trust?

This month our creative keyword on the art/life trail is Trust. This is a powerful time each year to be evolving your creative voice. Wise even to pay attention to the manner in which you create. What gets your juices flowing? In what direction are you currently taking action...

Cross Quarter and the Six Weeks Ahead…

Welcome to the art/life trail! It’s Imbolc/Candlemas the cross-quarter day midpoint between solstice and equinox. A deeply quiet time when our culture checks to see if the groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, foretells more winter. However you tap in it’s apparent that this is a point of shift in the energy in...

Create Clarity

Welcome to the art/life trail ride! Throughout April we are on the first step through the East Gate and the keyword for this 30 day challenge is Clarity.  Ask yourself: Where would I benefit from having increased Clairty in my art/life? At the East Gate starting point for the Natural...

What Shall I Create?

Welcome to the art/life trail ride! We have now crossed the threshold into the new Natural Year and the beginning of a brand new 13 moon section of the art/life path!! Imagine what beauty lies ahead! I’m so glad that you are here! We’ve made it. Here we are...